Get Anime Characters That Are Depressed Images. Watch this! posts must be a minimum of 1500 characters. I really liked all the characters from nge because they're just so fucked up in a good way, so something similar to eva would be good but not.
Comics & animation ยท 1 decade ago. If so, why not use the add character form to submit a new profile. Want to know which anime characters have the infp personality type?
And if perona from one piece is there she would cause them to become so depressed that they can't attack or run away.
That is what i'm like around people when i'm depressed. Top 10 anime with a depressed mc hey everyone and welcome back to the channel. Seiichi is unique among disabled anime characters because he isn't dying of some mysterious illness, he has a very specific one. How well do you know anime characters (male characters edition).